Crockarell.2022-The Strangest Men that ever Nature Made! Wildness, Lovesickness, and Sodomy in Marlowe’s Edward II and Tamburlaine the Great

Autor: Crockarell, Sarah

Titel: The Strangest Men that ever Nature Made! Wildness, Lovesickness, and Sodomy in Marlowe's Edward II and Tamburlaine the Great

Werk: Kingship, Madness, and Masculinity on the Early Modern Stage

Herausgeber: Gutierrez-Dennehy, Christina

Reihe: New interdisciplinary approaches to early modern culture

Jahr: 2022

Seiten: 85-100

Ort: New York

Verlag: Routledge

ISBN: 9780367760830

Typ: Beitrag

Crockarell, Sarah. "The Strangest Men that ever Nature Made!" Wildness, Lovesickness, and Sodomy in Marlowe’s Edward II and Tamburlaine the Great. Kingship, Madness, and Masculinity on the Early Modern Stage: Mad World, Mad Kings, edited by Christina Gutierrez-Dennehy, Routledge, 2022. New interdisciplinary approaches to early modern culture, pp. 85–100.

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