Brough.1994-New Perspectives of Faust: Studies in the origins and philosophy of the Faust theme in the dramas of Marlowe and Goethe

Autor: Brough, Neil

Titel: New Perspectives of Faust: Studies in the origins and philosophy of the Faust theme in the dramas of Marlowe and Goethe

Reihe: Historisch-kritische Arbeiten zur deutschen Literatur

Jahr: 1994

Band: 12

Ort: Frankfurt am Main

Verlag: Lang

ISBN: 3631459688

Typ: Monografie

Brough, Neil, 193. New Perspectives of Faust: Studies in the origins and philosophy of the Faust theme in the dramas of Marlowe and Goethe, Lang, 1994. Historisch-kritische Arbeiten zur deutschen Literatur 12.

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