Axline.2001-A "New Deal" and a New Direction: Welles' (sic) and Houseman’s Depression-Era Productions of "Macbeth," "Doctor Faustus," and "Julius Caesar"

Autor: Axline, Kim

Titel: A "New Deal" and a New Direction: Welles' (sic) and Houseman's Depression-Era Productions of "Macbeth," "Doctor Faustus," and "Julius Caesar"

Zeitschrift: Theatre Studies

Jahr: 2001

Band: 45

Seiten: 16–49

Typ: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Axline, Kim. A "New Deal" and a New Direction: Welles' (sic) and Houseman’s Depression-Era Productions of "Macbeth," "Doctor Faustus," and "Julius Caesar." Theatre Studies, vol. 45, 2001, pp. 16–49.

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