Belsey.1992-Desire’s Excess and the English Renaissance Theatre: Edward II, Troilus and Cressida, Othello

Autor: Belsey, Catherine

Titel: Desire's Excess and the English Renaissance Theatre: Edward II, Troilus and Cressida, Othello

Werk: Erotic Politics

Herausgeber: Zimmerman, Susan

Jahr: 1992

Seiten: 65–79

Ort: New York

Verlag: Routledge

ISBN: 9780203977101

Typ: Beitrag

Belsey, Catherine. Desire’s Excess and the English Renaissance Theatre: Edward II, Troilus and Cressida, Othello. Erotic Politics, edited by Susan Zimmerman, Routledge, 1992, pp. 65–79.

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