Eriksen.2008-Friends or Foes: Marlowe and Shakespeare as Rivals in the Republic of Letters

Autor: Eriksen, Roy

Titel: Friends or Foes: Marlowe and Shakespeare as Rivals in the Republic of Letters

Werk: Borrowed feathers

Herausgeber: Bjørnstad, Hall

Jahr: 2008

Seiten: 191–200

Ort: Oslo

Verlag: Unipub

ISBN: 8274773330

Typ: Beitrag

Eriksen, Roy. Friends or Foes: Marlowe and Shakespeare as Rivals in the Republic of Letters. Borrowed feathers: Plagiarism and the limits of imitation in early modern Europe, edited by Hall Bjørnstad, Unipub, 2008, pp. 191–200.

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