Ide.2000-Tamburlaine’s Prophetic Oratory and Protestant Militarism in the 1580s

Autor: Ide, Arata

Titel: Tamburlaine's Prophetic Oratory and Protestant Militarism in the 1580s

Werk: Hot Questrists after the English Renaissance

Herausgeber: Takahashi, Yasunari

Reihe: AMS Studies in the Renaissance

Jahr: 2000

Seiten: 215–236

Ort: New York

Verlag: AMS Press

ISBN: 0404623379

Typ: Beitrag

Ide, Arata. Tamburlaine’s Prophetic Oratory and Protestant Militarism in the 1580s. Hot Questrists after the English Renaissance: Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, edited by Yasunari Takahashi, AMS Press, 2000, pp. 215–36. AMS Studies in the Renaissance 37.

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