Kruse.2003-The Woman in Black: The Image of Catherine de Medici from Marlowe to Queen Margot

Autor: Kruse, Elaine

Titel: The Woman in Black: The Image of Catherine de Medici from Marlowe to Queen Margot

Werk: High and mighty queens of early modern England

Herausgeber: Levin, Carole; Carney, Jo Eldridge; Barrett-Graves, Debra

Reihe: The new Middle Ages

Jahr: 2003

Seiten: 223–238

Ort: New York

Verlag: Palgrave MacMillan

ISBN: 9781403960887

Typ: Beitrag

Kruse, Elaine. The Woman in Black: The Image of Catherine de Medici from Marlowe to "Queen Margot." "High and mighty queens" of early modern England: Realities and representations, edited by Carole Levin et al., Palgrave MacMillan, 2003, pp. 223–38. The new Middle Ages.

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