Loder.2010-The History of the damnable life, and deserued death of Doctor John Faustus and Marlowe’s Dr Faustus: why is there no salvation for Faustus?

Autor: Loder, Conny

Titel: The History of the damnable life, and deserued death of Doctor John Faustus and Marlowe's Dr Faustus: why is there no salvation for Faustus?

Zeitschrift: Faust-Jahrbuch

Jahr: 2010-2013

Band: 4

Seiten: 53–177

Typ: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Loder, Conny. The History of the damnable life, and deserued death of Doctor John Faustus and Marlowe’s Dr Faustus: why is there no salvation for Faustus? Faust-Jahrbuch, vol. 4, 2010-2013, pp. 53–177.

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