Lyne.2016-Lyrical Wax in Ovid, Marlowe, and Donne

Autor: Lyne, Raphael

Titel: Lyrical Wax in Ovid, Marlowe, and Donne

Werk: Ovid and the Renaissance Body

Herausgeber: Stanivukovic, Goran

Jahr: 2016

Seiten: 191–206

Ort: Toronto

Verlag: University of Toronto Press

ISBN: 9781442678194


Typ: Beitrag

Lyne, Raphael. Lyrical Wax in Ovid, Marlowe, and Donne. Ovid and the Renaissance Body, edited by Goran Stanivukovic, University of Toronto Press, 2016, pp. 191–206.

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