MacKenzie, Clayton G., 2074. Deathly Experiments: A Study of Icons and Emblems of Mortality in Christopher Marlowe’s Plays, AMS Press, 2010. AMS Studies in the Renaissance 49.
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Autor: MacKenzie, Clayton G.
Titel: Deathly Experiments: A Study of Icons and Emblems of Mortality in Christopher Marlowe's Plays
Reihe: AMS Studies in the Renaissance
Jahr: 2010
Band: 49
Ort: New York
Verlag: AMS Press
ISBN: 0-404-62349-2
Typ: Monografie
MacKenzie, Clayton G., 2074. Deathly Experiments: A Study of Icons and Emblems of Mortality in Christopher Marlowe’s Plays, AMS Press, 2010. AMS Studies in the Renaissance 49.