Marlowe.1986-All Ovids Elegies, Lucans First Booke, Dido Queene of Carthage, Hero and Leander

Autor: Marlowe, Christopher

Titel: All Ovids Elegies, Lucans First Booke, Dido Queene of Carthage, Hero and Leander

Herausgeber: Gill, Roma

Reihe: The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe

Jahr: 1986

Band: 1

Ort: Oxford

Verlag: Clarendon Press

ISBN: 0-19-811878-3


Typ: Werkausgabe

Marlowe, Christopher. All Ovids Elegies, Lucans First Booke, Dido Queene of Carthage, Hero and Leander. Edited by Roma Gill, Clarendon Press, 1986. The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe, vol. 1.

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