Miller.2006-Tamburlaine: the Migration and Translation of Marlowe’s Arabic Sources

Autor: Miller, Howard

Titel: Tamburlaine: the Migration and Translation of Marlowe's Arabic Sources

Werk: Travel and Translation in the Early Modern Period

Herausgeber: Di Biase, Carmine

Reihe: Approaches to translation studies

Jahr: 2006

Seiten: 255–266

Ort: Amsterdam

Verlag: Rodopi

ISBN: 1423788265

Typ: Beitrag

Miller, Howard. Tamburlaine: the Migration and Translation of Marlowe’s Arabic Sources. Travel and Translation in the Early Modern Period, edited by Carmine Di Biase, Rodopi, 2006, pp. 255–66. Approaches to translation studies 26.

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