Orchard.2014-'How to muzzle Anthony Burgess': Re-Staging Marlowe’s Murder in Iain Sinclair and Dave McKean’s Slow Chocolate Autopsy

Autor: Orchard, Chris

Titel: 'How to muzzle Anthony Burgess': Re-Staging Marlowe's Murder in Iain Sinclair and Dave McKean's Slow Chocolate Autopsy

Zeitschrift: Early Modern Literary Studies

Jahr: 2014

Band: Special Issue 23

Link: https://marlowe.at/86

Typ: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Orchard, Chris. 'How to muzzle Anthony Burgess': Re-Staging Marlowe’s Murder in Iain Sinclair and Dave McKean’s Slow Chocolate Autopsy. Early Modern Literary Studies, Special Issue 23, 2014,

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