Potter.2012-Casting a Shadow of One’s Own: Marlowe’s Dido and the Virgilian Intertext

Autor: Potter, Lucy

Titel: Casting a Shadow of One's Own: Marlowe's Dido and the Virgilian Intertext

Werk: The Shadow of the Precursor

Herausgeber: Glenn, Diana; Haque, Rezaul; Kooyman, Ben; Bierbaum, Nena

Jahr: 2012

Seiten: 154–169

Ort: Newcastle upon Tyne

Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

ISBN: 1443834610

Typ: Beitrag

Potter, Lucy. Casting a Shadow of One’s Own: Marlowe’s Dido and the Virgilian Intertext. The Shadow of the Precursor, edited by Diana Glenn et al., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, pp. 154–69.

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