Steggle.2018-Marlowe’s Lost Play: 'The Maiden’s Holiday'

Autor: Steggle, Matthew

Titel: Marlowe's Lost Play: 'The Maiden's Holiday'

Werk: Christopher Marlowe, theatrical commerce, and the book trade

Herausgeber: Melnikoff, Kirk; Knutson, Roslyn Lander

Jahr: 2018

Seiten: 243–257

Ort: Cambridge

Verlag: Cambridge University Press

ISBN: 9781107566170

Typ: Beitrag

Steggle, Matthew. Marlowe’s Lost Play: 'The Maiden’s Holiday'. Christopher Marlowe, theatrical commerce, and the book trade, edited by Kirk Melnikoff and Roslyn Lander Knutson, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 243–57.

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