Tompkins.2014-Making the Invisible Visible: Virtual Stage Props and Christopher Marlowe’s Dr Faustus

Autor: Tompkins, Joanne

Titel: Making the Invisible Visible: Virtual Stage Props and Christopher Marlowe's Dr Faustus

Werk: Performing Objects and Theatrical Things

Herausgeber: Schweitzer, Marlis; Zerdy, Joanne

Jahr: 2014

Seiten: 161–172

Ort: London

Verlag: Palgrave MacMillan

ISBN: 978-1-349-48670-0


Typ: Beitrag

Tompkins, Joanne. Making the Invisible Visible: Virtual Stage Props and Christopher Marlowe’s Dr Faustus. Performing Objects and Theatrical Things, edited by Marlis Schweitzer and Joanne Zerdy, Palgrave MacMillan, 2014, pp. 161–72.

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