Watt.1989-Faust as a Myth of Modern Individualism: Three of Marlowe’s Contributions

Autor: Watt, Ian

Titel: Faust as a Myth of Modern Individualism: Three of Marlowe's Contributions

Werk: Retrospect and analysis = Vierhundert Jahre Faust

Herausgeber: Boerner, Peter; Johnson, Sidney M.

Jahr: 1989

Seiten: 41–52

Ort: Tübingen

Verlag: Niemeyer

ISBN: 9783110946284

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110946284.41

Typ: Beitrag

Watt, Ian. Faust as a Myth of Modern Individualism: Three of Marlowe’s Contributions. Retrospect and analysis = Vierhundert Jahre Faust: Rückblick und Analyse, edited by Peter Boerner and Sidney M. Johnson, Niemeyer, 1989, pp. 41–52.

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