Nel.1989-Judging the Judge: Kierkegaard and Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus
Nel, François Pierre. Judging the Judge: Kierkegaard and Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. Diplomarbeit, Winthrop College, 1989.
Autor: Nel, François Pierre
Titel: Judging the Judge: Kierkegaard and Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
Jahr: 1989
Ort: Rock Hill
Universität: Winthrop College
Nel, François Pierre. Judging the Judge: Kierkegaard and Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. Diplomarbeit, Winthrop College, 1989.
Autor: Nelson, Marion Jane
Titel: 'What doctrine call you this?': An Inquiry into Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus and Hermetic Thought 1583-1593
Jahr: 2012
Ort: Adelaide
Universität: University of Adelaide
Nelson, Marion Jane. 'What doctrine call you this?': An Inquiry into Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus and Hermetic Thought 1583-1593. Diplomarbeit, University of Adelaide, 2012.
Autor: Oberger, Birgit
Titel: Christopher Marlowe's "The Jew of Malta" neu übersetzt: Zur Übertragung ins Deutsche von Elfriede Jelinek und Karin Rausch
Jahr: 2004
Ort: Wien
Universität: Universität Wien
Oberger, Birgit. Christopher Marlowe’s "The Jew of Malta" neu übersetzt: Zur Übertragung ins Deutsche von Elfriede Jelinek und Karin Rausch. Universität Wien, 2004.
Autor: Ostrowski, Callie
Titel: Historical Contextualization of Themes in Doctor Faustus and The Tempest
Jahr: 2020
Ort: Worcester
Universität: Clark University
ISBN: 9798662577398
Ostrowski, Callie. Historical Contextualization of Themes in Doctor Faustus and The Tempest. Dissertation, Clark University, 2020.
Autor: Pancritius, Teresa Rebecca
Titel: “‘Tis Marlowe, Marlowe that hath ravished me” – Christopher Marlowe’s Fictional Afterlives
Jahr: 2020
Ort: München
Pancritius, Teresa Rebecca (2020): “‘Tis Marlowe, Marlowe that hath ravished me” – Christopher Marlowe’s Fictional Afterlives. Dissertation. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
Autor: Paris, Jamie
Titel: Mark this show: On Dramatic Attention in Christopher Marlowe's and William Shakespeare's Tragedies
Jahr: 2015
Ort: Vancouver
Universität: University of British Columbia
Paris, Jamie. "Mark this show": On Dramatic Attention in Christopher Marlowe’s and William Shakespeare’s Tragedies. Dissertation, University of British Columbia, 2015.
Autor: Peernajmodin, Hossein
Titel: Orientalist Representation Of Persia In The Works Of Spenser, Marlowe, Milton, Moore And Morier
Jahr: 2002
Ort: Birmingham
Universität: University of Birmingham
Peernajmodin, Hossein. Orientalist Representation Of Persia In The Works Of Spenser, Marlowe, Milton, Moore And Morier. Dissertation, University of Birmingham, 2002.
Autor: Pender, Verna Ann
Titel: The Stage Production of Marlowe's Plays and Its Relation to Critical Attitudes
Jahr: 1971
Ort: London
Universität: University of London
Pender, Verna Ann. The Stage Production of Marlowe’s Plays and Its Relation to Critical Attitudes. Dissertation, University of London, 1971.
Autor: Perret, Marion
Titel: Theme and Structure in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe
Jahr: 1961
Ort: New Haven
Universität: Yale University
Perret, Marion. Theme and Structure in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe. Dissertation, Yale University, 1961.
Autor: Potter, Lucy
Titel: Re-reading Marlowe's Dido and its influence
Jahr: 2007
Ort: Adelaide
Universität: University of Adelaide
Potter, Lucy. Re-reading Marlowe’s Dido and its influence. Dissertation, University of Adelaide, 2007.