Rutter.2010-Marlowe, the 'Mad Priest of the Sun', and Heliogabalus
Rutter, Tom. Marlowe, the 'Mad Priest of the Sun', and Heliogabalus. Early Theatre, vol. 13, no. 1, 2010, pp. 109–19.
Autor: Rutter, Tom
Titel: Marlowe, the 'Mad Priest of the Sun', and Heliogabalus
Zeitschrift: Early Theatre
Jahr: 2010
Band: 13
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 109–119
Rutter, Tom. Marlowe, the 'Mad Priest of the Sun', and Heliogabalus. Early Theatre, vol. 13, no. 1, 2010, pp. 109–19.
Autor: Rutter, Tom
Titel: Marlowe, Hoffman, and the Admiral's Men
Zeitschrift: Marlowe Studies
Jahr: 2013
Band: 3
Seiten: 49–62
Rutter, Tom. Marlowe, Hoffman, and the Admiral’s Men. Marlowe Studies, vol. 3, 2013, pp. 49–62.
Autor: Ryan, Lawrence V.
Titel: Panurge and the Faustian Dilemma
Zeitschrift: Stanford Literary Review
Jahr: 1985
Band: 2
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 147–163
Ryan, Lawrence V. Panurge and the Faustian Dilemma. Stanford Literary Review, vol. 2, no. 2, 1985, pp. 147–63.
Autor: Ryan, Patrick
Titel: Marlowe's "Edward II" and the Medieval Passion Play
Zeitschrift: Comparative Drama
Jahr: 1998/99
Band: 32
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 465–495
Ryan, Patrick. Marlowe’s "Edward II" and the Medieval Passion Play. Comparative Drama, vol. 32, no. 4, 1998/99, pp. 465–95.
Autor: Sachs, Arieh
Titel: The Religious Despair of Doctor Faustus
Zeitschrift: Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Jahr: 1964
Band: 63
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 625–647
Sachs, Arieh. The Religious Despair of Doctor Faustus. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 63, no. 4, 1964, pp. 625–47.
Autor: Safaei, Mohammad
Titel: The Enigma of Political Self-Destruction in Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
Zeitschrift: International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences
Jahr: 2020
Band: 5
Nummer: 6
Seiten: 2171–2181
Safaei, Mohammad. The Enigma of Political Self-Destruction in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, vol. 5, no. 6, 2020, pp. 2171–81.
Autor: Sahel, Pierre
Titel: Les prisons politiques chez Marlowe et Shakespeare
Zeitschrift: Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare
Jahr: 1980
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 99–112
Sahel, Pierre. Les prisons politiques chez Marlowe et Shakespeare. Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare, no. 2, 1980, pp. 99–112.
Autor: Sampley, Arthur M.
Titel: Peele's Descensus Astraeae and Marlowe's Edward II
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Notes
Jahr: 1935
Band: 50
Nummer: 8
Seiten: 506
Sampley, Arthur M. Peele’s Descensus Astraeae and Marlowe’s Edward II. Modern Language Notes, vol. 50, no. 8, 1935, p. 506.
Autor: Şanal, Yasemin
Titel: Early Modern Homophobia in Edward II and The Life and Death of John Atherton
Zeitschrift: Artuklu İnsan ve Toplum Bilim Dergisi
Jahr: 2021
Band: 6
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 28–42
Şanal, Yasemin. Early Modern Homophobia in Edward II and The Life and Death of John Atherton. Artuklu İnsan ve Toplum Bilim Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021, pp. 28–42.
Autor: Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier
Titel: Tamburlaine, the Scourge of God: Mexia, Marlowe and Velez de Guevar
Zeitschrift: SEDERI (Journal of the Spanish Society for English Renaissance Studies)
Jahr: 1993
Band: 4
Seiten: 203–215
Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier. Tamburlaine, the Scourge of God: Mexia, Marlowe and Velez de Guevar. Journal of the Spanish Society for English Renaissance Studies, vol. 4, 1993, pp. 203–15.