Burnett.1991-Tamburlaine and the Body
Burnett, Mark Thornton. Tamburlaine and the Body. Criticism, vol. 33, no. 1, 1991, pp. 31–47.
Autor: Burnett, Mark Thornton
Titel: Tamburlaine and the Body
Zeitschrift: Criticism
Jahr: 1991
Band: 33
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 31–47
Burnett, Mark Thornton. Tamburlaine and the Body. Criticism, vol. 33, no. 1, 1991, pp. 31–47.
Autor: Burnett, Mark Thornton
Titel: Doctor Faustus and Intertextuality (A Response to Paul Budra and Paul Yachnin)
Zeitschrift: Connotations
Jahr: 1991
Band: 1
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 173–180
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25623/CONN001.2-BURNETT-1
Link: https://marlowe.at/58
Burnett, Mark Thornton. Doctor Faustus and Intertextuality (A Response to Paul Budra and Paul Yachnin). Connotations, vol. 1, no. 2, 1991, pp. 173–80.
Autor: Burton, Jonathan
Titel: Anglo-Ottoman Relations and the Image of the Turk in Tamburlaine
Zeitschrift: Journal of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Jahr: 2000
Band: 30
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 125–156
Burton, Jonathan. Anglo-Ottoman Relations and the Image of the Turk in Tamburlaine. Journal of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies, vol. 30, no. 1, 2000, pp. 125–56.
Autor: Burwick, Frederick
Titel: Marlowe's Doctor Faustus: Two Manners, the Argumentative and the Passionate
Zeitschrift: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
Jahr: 1969
Band: 70
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 121–145
Burwick, Frederick. Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus: Two Manners, the Argumentative and the Passionate. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, vol. 70, no. 1, 1969, pp. 121–45.
Autor: Burzyńska, Katarzyna
Titel: Re-gendering of the Nietzschean Übermensch in Shakespeare's Macbeth and Marlowe's Tamburlaine—the Case of Lady Macbeth and Zenocrate
Zeitschrift: Multicultural Shakespeare
Jahr: 2015
Band: 12
Nummer: 27
Seiten: 11–25
Burzyńska, Katarzyna. Re-gendering of the Nietzschean Übermensch in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Marlowe’s Tamburlaine—the Case of Lady Macbeth and Zenocrate. Multicultural Shakespeare, vol. 12, no. 27, 2015, pp. 11–25.
Autor: Bush, Douglas
Titel: The Influence of Marlowe's Hero and Leander on Early Mythological Poems
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Notes
Jahr: 1927
Band: 42
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 211–217
Bush, Douglas. The Influence of Marlowe’s Hero and Leander on Early Mythological Poems. Modern Language Notes, vol. 42, no. 4, 1927, pp. 211–17.
Autor: Bush, Douglas
Titel: Musaeus in English Verse
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Notes
Jahr: 1928
Band: 43
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 101–104
Bush, Douglas. Musaeus in English Verse. Modern Language Notes, vol. 43, no. 2, 1928, pp. 101–04.
Autor: Bush, Douglas
Titel: Notes on Marlowe's Hero and Leander
Zeitschrift: Publications of the Modern Language Association
Jahr: 1929
Band: 44
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 760–764
Bush, Douglas. Notes on Marlowe’s Hero and Leander. Publications of the Modern Language Association, vol. 44, no. 3, 1929, pp. 760–64.
Autor: Bush, Douglas
Titel: Hero and Leander and "Romeo and Juliet"
Zeitschrift: Philological Quarterly
Jahr: 1930
Band: 9
Seiten: 396–399
Bush, Douglas. "Hero and Leander" and "Romeo and Juliet." Philological Quarterly, vol. 9, 1930, pp. 396–99.
Autor: Butrym, Alexander
Titel: A Marlowe Echo in Kyd
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1958
Band: 203
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 96–97
Butrym, Alexander. A Marlowe Echo in Kyd. Notes and Queries, vol. 203, no. 3, 1958, pp. 96–97.