Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: The Misplaced Clownage-Scene in The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus (1616) and Its Implications for the Play's Total Structure
Zeitschrift: English Studies
Jahr: 1981
Band: 62
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 249–258
Eriksen, Roy. The Misplaced Clownage-Scene in The Tragedie of Doctor Faustus (1616) and Its Implications for the Play’s Total Structure. English Studies, vol. 62, no. 3, 1981, pp. 249–58.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: Giordano Bruno an Marlowe's Doctor Faustus (B)
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1985
Band: 32
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 463–465
Eriksen, Roy. Giordano Bruno an Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus (B). Notes and Queries, vol. 32, no. 4, 1985, pp. 463–65.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: What resting place is this?: Aspects of Time and Place in Doctor Faustus" (1616)
Zeitschrift: Renaissance Drama
Jahr: 1985
Band: 16
Seiten: 49–74
Eriksen, Roy. "What resting place is this? Aspects of Time and Place in "Doctor Faustus" (1616). Renaissance Drama, vol. 16, 1985, pp. 49–74.
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Eriksen, Roy. Marlowe’s Petrarch: In Morte di Madonna Laura. Cahiers Élisabéthains, vol. 29, no. 1, 1986, pp. 13–25.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: Ars combinatoria: Marlowe and the art of framing
Zeitschrift: Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare
Jahr: 1996
Band: 14
Seiten: 111–126
Eriksen, Roy. Ars combinatoria: Marlowe and the art of framing. Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare, vol. 14, 1996, pp. 111–26.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: Entering the Garden: Marlowe and "Phaeton to his Friend Florio"
Zeitschrift: Shakespeare en devenir
Jahr: 2010
Band: 4
Eriksen, Roy. Entering the Garden: Marlowe and "Phaeton to his Friend Florio." Shakespeare en devenir, vol. 4, 2010,
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: The Epilogue in Doctor Faustus: The Petrarchan Context
Zeitschrift: Nordic Journal of English Studies
Jahr: 2010
Band: 9
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 1–16
Eriksen, Roy. The Epilogue in Doctor Faustus: The Petrarchan Context. Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1–16.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: Marlowe and Company in Barnfield's Greene's Funeralls (1594)
Zeitschrift: Nordic Journal of English Studies
Jahr: 2013
Band: 12
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 71–80
Eriksen, Roy. Marlowe and Company in Barnfield’s Greene’s Funeralls (1594). Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, 2013, pp. 71–80.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: Carducci Reads Marlowe: Dante and Doctor Faustus (B-Text)
Zeitschrift: Cahiers Élisabéthains
Jahr: 2014
Band: 85
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 57–66
Eriksen, Roy. Carducci Reads Marlowe: Dante and Doctor Faustus (B-Text). Cahiers Élisabéthains, vol. 85, no. 1, 2014, pp. 57–66.
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Autor: Eriksen, Roy
Titel: Working with Marlowe: Shakespeare's Early Engagement with Marlowe's Poetics
Zeitschrift: Marlowe Studies
Jahr: 2015
Band: 5
Seiten: 21–36
Eriksen, Roy. Working with Marlowe: Shakespeare’s Early Engagement with Marlowe’s Poetics. Marlowe Studies, vol. 5, 2015, pp. 21–36.
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