Hardin.1989-Irony and Privilege in Marlowe
Hardin, Richard F. Irony and Privilege in Marlowe. Centennial Review, vol. 33, no. 3, 1989, pp. 207–27.
Autor: Hardin, Richard F.
Titel: Irony and Privilege in Marlowe
Zeitschrift: Centennial Review
Jahr: 1989
Band: 33
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 207–227
Hardin, Richard F. Irony and Privilege in Marlowe. Centennial Review, vol. 33, no. 3, 1989, pp. 207–27.
Autor: Hardin, Richard F.
Titel: Apocalypse Then: Tamburlaine and the Pleasures of Religious Fear
Zeitschrift: Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance
Jahr: 2006
Band: 3
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 31–41
Hardin, Richard F. Apocalypse Then: Tamburlaine and the Pleasures of Religious Fear. Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance, vol. 3, no. 2, 2006, pp. 31–41.
Autor: Hargitai, Márta
Titel: From "Resolute" to "Dissolved" Tracking Faustus's Decision
Zeitschrift: The AnaChronist
Jahr: 2018
Band: 18
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 243–259
Hargitai, Márta. From "Resolute" to "Dissolved" Tracking Faustus’s Decision. The AnaChronist, vol. 18, no. 2, 2018, pp. 243–59.
Autor: Hargitai, Márta
Titel: Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia in Doctor Faustus, Macbeth and The Tempest
Zeitschrift: The AnaChronist
Jahr: 2019
Band: 19
Seiten: 27–46
Hargitai, Márta. Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia in Doctor Faustus, Macbeth and The Tempest. The AnaChronist, vol. 19, 2019, pp. 27–46.
Autor: Harmer, James
Titel: Toying with Religion in the Prologue to The Jew of Malta
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 2010
Band: 57
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 352–355
Harmer, James. Toying with Religion in the Prologue to The Jew of Malta. Notes and Queries, vol. 57, no. 3, 2010, pp. 352–55.
Autor: Harrison, Thomas P.
Titel: Further Background for The Jew of Malta and The Massacre at Paris
Zeitschrift: Philological Quarterly
Jahr: 1948
Band: 27
Seiten: 52–56
Harrison, Thomas P. Further Background for The Jew of Malta and The Massacre at Paris. Philological Quarterly, vol. 27, 1948, pp. 52–56.
Autor: Harrison, Thomas P.
Titel: Literary Background of Renaissance Poisons
Zeitschrift: Studies in English
Jahr: 1948
Band: 27
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 35–67
Harrison, Thomas P. Literary Background of Renaissance Poisons. Studies in English, vol. 27, no. 1, 1948, pp. 35–67.
Autor: Harrison, Thomas P.
Titel: Shakespeare and Marlowe's "Dido, Queen of Carthage"
Zeitschrift: Texas Studies in Literature and Language
Jahr: 1956
Band: 35
Seiten: 57–63
Harrison, Thomas P. Shakespeare and Marlowe’s "Dido, Queen of Carthage." Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 35, 1956, pp. 57–63.
Autor: Hart, Jeffrey P.
Titel: Prospero and Faustus
Zeitschrift: Boston University Studies in English
Jahr: 1956
Band: 2
Seiten: 197–206
Hart, Jeffrey P. Prospero and Faustus. Boston University Studies in English, vol. 2, 1956, pp. 197–206.
Autor: Hattaway, Michael
Titel: The Theology of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
Zeitschrift: Renaissance Drama
Jahr: 1970
Band: 3
Seiten: 51–78
Hattaway, Michael. The Theology of Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. Renaissance Drama, vol. 3, 1970, pp. 51–78.