James.2006-The Poet’s Toys: Christopher Marlowe and the Liberties of Erotic Elegy
James, Heather. The Poet’s Toys: Christopher Marlowe and the Liberties of Erotic Elegy. Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 67, no. 1, 2006, pp. 103–28.
Autor: James, Heather
Titel: The Poet's Toys: Christopher Marlowe and the Liberties of Erotic Elegy
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Quarterly
Jahr: 2006
Band: 67
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 103–128
James, Heather. The Poet’s Toys: Christopher Marlowe and the Liberties of Erotic Elegy. Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 67, no. 1, 2006, pp. 103–28.
Autor: Jantz, Harold
Titel: Goethe's Faust as a Renaissance Man: Sources and Prototypes
Zeitschrift: Comparative Literature
Jahr: 1949
Band: 1
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 337–348
Jantz, Harold. Goethe’s Faust as a Renaissance Man: Sources and Prototypes. Comparative Literature, vol. 1, no. 4, 1949, pp. 337–48.
Autor: Jantz, Harold
Titel: An Elizabethan Statement on the Origin of the German Faust Book, with a Note on Marlowe's Sources
Zeitschrift: Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Jahr: 1952
Band: 51
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 137–153
Jantz, Harold. An Elizabethan Statement on the Origin of the German Faust Book, with a Note on Marlowe’s Sources. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 51, no. 2, 1952, pp. 137–53.
Autor: Jarrett, Hobart S.
Titel: Verbal Ambiguities in Marlowe's Dr. Faustus
Zeitschrift: College English
Jahr: 1944
Band: 5
Nummer: 6
Seiten: 399-40
Jarrett, Hobart S. Verbal Ambiguities in Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus. College English, vol. 5, no. 6, 1944, p. 399.
Autor: Jarrett, Joseph
Titel: Algebra and the art of war: Marlowe's military mathematics in Tamburlaine 1 and 2
Zeitschrift: Cahiers Élisabéthains
Jahr: 2018
Band: 95
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 19–39
Jarrett, Joseph. Algebra and the art of war: Marlowe’s military mathematics in Tamburlaine 1 and 2. Cahiers Élisabéthains, vol. 95, no. 1, 2018, pp. 19–39.
Autor: Jeffrey, David Lyle
Titel: Communion, Community, and Our Common Book: Or, Can Faustus Be Saved?
Zeitschrift: Christianity & Literature
Jahr: 2004
Band: 53
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 233–246
Jeffrey, David Lyle. Communion, Community, and Our Common Book: Or, Can Faustus Be Saved? Christianity & Literature, vol. 53, no. 2, 2004, pp. 233–46.
Autor: Jensen, Ejner J.
Titel: Marlowe our Contemporary?: Some Questions of Relevance
Zeitschrift: College English
Jahr: 1969
Band: 30
Nummer: 8
Seiten: 627–632
Jensen, Ejner J. Marlowe our Contemporary? Some Questions of Relevance. College English, vol. 30, no. 8, 1969, pp. 627–32.
Autor: Jensen, James
Titel: Heroic Convention and Doctor Faustus
Zeitschrift: Essays in Criticism
Jahr: 1971
Band: 21
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 101–106
Jensen, James. Heroic Convention and Doctor Faustus. Essays in Criticism, vol. 21, no. 1, 1971, pp. 101–06.
Autor: Jensen, Phebe
Titel: Astrology and Religion in the Long Reformation: “Doctor Faustus in Swadling Clouts”
Zeitschrift: Reformation
Jahr: 2019
Band: 24
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 92–106
Jensen, Phebe. Astrology and Religion in the Long Reformation: Doctor Faustus in Swadling Clouts. Reformation, vol. 24, no. 2, 2019, pp. 92–106.
Autor: Jobe, Don
Titel: Marlowe's Dr Faustus
Zeitschrift: Explicator
Jahr: 1986
Band: 44
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 12–14
Jobe, Don. Marlowe’s Dr Faustus. Explicator, vol. 44, no. 3, 1986, pp. 12–14.