Kuriyama.1988-Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Nature of biographical Evidence
Kuriyama, Constance Brown. Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Nature of biographical Evidence. University of Hartford Studies in Literature, vol. 20, no. 1, 1988, pp. 1–12.
Autor: Kuriyama, Constance Brown
Titel: Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Nature of biographical Evidence
Zeitschrift: University of Hartford Studies in Literature
Jahr: 1988
Band: 20
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 1–12
Kuriyama, Constance Brown. Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Nature of biographical Evidence. University of Hartford Studies in Literature, vol. 20, no. 1, 1988, pp. 1–12.
Autor: Kuriyama, Constance Brown
Titel: Second Selves: Marlowe's Cambridge and London Friednships
Zeitschrift: Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England
Jahr: 2001
Band: 14
Seiten: 86–104
Kuriyama, Constance Brown. Second Selves: Marlowe’s Cambridge and London Friednships. Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England, vol. 14, 2001, pp. 86–104.
Autor: Kursell, Mikaela von
Titel: Faustus as Dunce: The Degeneration of Man and Word
Zeitschrift: Explicator
Jahr: 2013
Band: 71
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 302–304
Kursell, Mikaela von. Faustus as Dunce: The Degeneration of Man and Word. Explicator, vol. 71, no. 4, 2013, pp. 302–04.
Autor: Laboulle, Louise J.
Titel: A Note on Bertolt Brecht's Adaption of Marlowe's 'Edward II'
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Review
Jahr: 1959
Band: 54
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 214–220
Laboulle, Louise J. A Note on Bertolt Brecht’s Adaption of Marlowe’s 'Edward II'. Modern Language Review, vol. 54, no. 2, 1959, pp. 214–20.
Autor: Ladegaard, Jakob
Titel: The comedy of terrors: ideology and comedy in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
Zeitschrift: Textual Practice
Jahr: 2017
Band: 31
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 179–195
Ladegaard, Jakob. The comedy of terrors: ideology and comedy in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. Textual Practice, vol. 31, no. 1, 2017, pp. 179–95.
Autor: Boyer-Lafont, Agnès
Titel: Le corps nu de Diane ou les égarements du cœur et de l'esprit dans Doctor Faustus et Edward II
Zeitschrift: Caliban
Jahr: 2003
Band: 13
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 69–82
Boyer-Lafont, Agnès. Le corps nu de Diane ou les égarements du cœur et de l’esprit dans Doctor Faustus et Edward II. Caliban, vol. 13, no. 1, 2003, pp. 69–82.
Autor: Lake, D. J.
Titel: Three Seventeenth-Century Revisions: Thomas of Woodstock, The Jew of Malta and Faustus B
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1983
Band: 30
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 133–143
Lake, D. J. Three Seventeenth-Century Revisions: Thomas of Woodstock, The Jew of Malta and Faustus B. Notes and Queries, vol. 30, no. 2, 1983, pp. 133–43.
Autor: Lambin, Georges
Titel: Marlowe et la France
Zeitschrift: Études anglaises
Jahr: 1966
Band: 19
Seiten: 55–59
Lambin, Georges. Marlowe et la France. Études anglaises, vol. 19, 1966, pp. 55–59.
Autor: Lancashire, Anne
Titel: Timon of Athens: Shakespeare's Dr. Faustus
Zeitschrift: Shakespeare Quarterly
Jahr: 1970
Band: 21
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 35–44
Lancashire, Anne. Timon of Athens: Shakespeare’s Dr. Faustus. Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 1, 1970, pp. 35–44.
Autor: Last, Suzan
Titel: Marlowe's Literary Double Agency: Doctor Faustusas a Subversive Comedy of Error
Zeitschrift: Renaissance and Reformation
Jahr: 2000
Band: 24
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 23–44
Last, Suzan. Marlowe’s Literary Double Agency: Doctor Faustusas a Subversive Comedy of Error. Renaissance and Reformation, vol. 24, no. 1, 2000, pp. 23–44.