Lees.1949-A 'Faustus' Ballad
Lees, F. N. A 'Faustus' Ballad. Notes and Queries, vol. 194, no. 25, 1949, p. 534.
Autor: Lees, F. N.
Titel: A 'Faustus' Ballad
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1949
Band: 194
Nummer: 25
Seiten: 534
Lees, F. N. A 'Faustus' Ballad. Notes and Queries, vol. 194, no. 25, 1949, p. 534.
Autor: Lees, F. N.
Titel: Dido, Queen of Carthage and the Tempest
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1964
Band: 11
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 147–149
Lees, F. N. Dido, Queen of Carthage and the Tempest. Notes and Queries, vol. 11, no. 4, 1964, pp. 147–49.
Autor: Leggatt, Alexander
Titel: Tamburlaine's Sufferings
Zeitschrift: The Yearbook of English Studies
Jahr: 1973
Band: 3
Seiten: 28–38
Leggatt, Alexander. Tamburlaine’s Sufferings. The Yearbook of English Studies, vol. 3, 1973, pp. 28–38.
Autor: Leggatt, Alexander
Titel: The Critical Fortunes of Christopher Marlowe
Zeitschrift: Queen's Quarterly
Jahr: 1981
Band: 88
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 93–99
Leggatt, Alexander. The Critical Fortunes of Christopher Marlowe. Queen’s Quarterly, vol. 88, no. 1, 1981, pp. 93–99.
Autor: Leiter, Louis H.
Titel: Deification Through Love: Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"
Zeitschrift: College English
Jahr: 1966
Band: 27
Nummer: 6
Seiten: 444–449
Leiter, Louis H. Deification Through Love: Marlowe’s "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." College English, vol. 27, no. 6, 1966, pp. 444–49.
Autor: Lemmi, Charles W.
Titel: Tamburlane and Greene's Orlando Furioso
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Notes
Jahr: 1917
Band: 32
Nummer: 7
Seiten: 434–435
Lemmi, Charles W. Tamburlane and Greene’s Orlando Furioso. Modern Language Notes, vol. 32, no. 7, 1917, pp. 434–35.
Autor: Lemon, Rebecca
Titel: Scholarly Addiction: Doctor Faustus and the Drama of Devotion
Zeitschrift: Renaissance Quarterly
Jahr: 2016
Band: 69
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 865–898
Lemon, Rebecca. Scholarly Addiction: Doctor Faustus and the Drama of Devotion. Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 69, no. 3, 2016, pp. 865–98.
Autor: Leonard, John
Titel: Marlowe's Doric Music: Lust and Aggression in Hero and Leander
Zeitschrift: English Literary Renaissance
Jahr: 2000
Band: 31
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 55–76
Leonard, John. Marlowe’s Doric Music: Lust and Aggression in Hero and Leander. English Literary Renaissance, vol. 31, no. 1, 2000, pp. 55–76.
Autor: Le Page, Peter V.
Titel: The Search for Godhead in Marlowe's Tamburlaine
Zeitschrift: College English
Jahr: 1965
Band: 26
Nummer: 8
Seiten: 604–609
Le Page, Peter V. The Search for Godhead in Marlowe’s Tamburlaine. College English, vol. 26, no. 8, 1965, pp. 604–09.
Autor: Leslie, Nancy T.
Titel: Tamburlaine in the Theatre: Tartar, Grand Guignol, or Janus
Zeitschrift: Renaissance Drama
Jahr: 1971
Band: 4
Seiten: 105–120
Leslie, Nancy T. Tamburlaine in the Theatre: Tartar, Grand Guignol, or Janus. Renaissance Drama, vol. 4, 1971, pp. 105–20.