Nelson.1969-Marlowe and His Audience: A Study in Tamburlaine
Nelson, Timothy G. A. Marlowe and His Audience: A Study in Tamburlaine. Southern Review, vol. 3, 1969, pp. 249–63.
Autor: Nelson, Timothy G. A.
Titel: Marlowe and His Audience: A Study in Tamburlaine
Zeitschrift: Southern Review
Jahr: 1969
Band: 3
Seiten: 249–263
Nelson, Timothy G. A. Marlowe and His Audience: A Study in Tamburlaine. Southern Review, vol. 3, 1969, pp. 249–63.
Autor: Neuse, Richard
Titel: Atheism and Some Functions of Myth in Marlowe's Hero and Leander
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Quarterly
Jahr: 1970
Band: 31
Seiten: 424–439
Neuse, Richard. Atheism and Some Functions of Myth in Marlowe’s Hero and Leander. Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 31, 1970, pp. 424–39.
Autor: Noor, Fazle
Titel: Doctor Faustus – A Representation of Morality Play by Christopher Marlowe to Portray a Thoroughly Christian Document
Zeitschrift: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
Jahr: 2019
Band: 6
Nummer: 6
Seiten: 751–760
Noor, Fazle. Doctor Faustus – A Representation of Morality Play by Christopher Marlowe to Portray a Thoroughly Christian Document. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol. 6, no. 6, 2019, pp. 751–60.
Autor: Norton-Smith, John
Titel: Marlowe's "Faustus" (I. iii, 1-4)
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1978
Band: 223
Nummer: 6
Seiten: 436–437
Norton-Smith, John. Marlowe’s "Faustus" (I. iii, 1-4). Notes and Queries, vol. 223, no. 6, 1978, pp. 436–37.
Autor: Norwood, Frances
Titel: Hero and Leander
Zeitschrift: Phoenix
Jahr: 1950
Band: 4
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 9–20
Norwood, Frances. Hero and Leander. Phoenix, vol. 4, no. 1, 1950, pp. 9–20.
Autor: Nosworthy, J. M.
Titel: The Marlowe Manuscript
Zeitschrift: Library
Jahr: 1945
Band: 26
Seiten: 158–171
Nosworthy, J. M. The Marlowe Manuscript. Library, vol. 26, 1945, pp. 158–71.
Autor: Nosworthy, J. M.
Titel: Some Textual Anomalies in the 1604 "Doctor Faustus"
Zeitschrift: Modern Language Review
Jahr: 1946
Band: 41
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 1–8
Nosworthy, J. M. Some Textual Anomalies in the 1604 "Doctor Faustus." Modern Language Review, vol. 41, no. 1, 1946, pp. 1–8.
Autor: Nosworthy, J. M.
Titel: The Publication of Marlowe's Elegies and Davies's Epigrams
Zeitschrift: Review of English Studies
Jahr: 1953
Band: 4
Nummer: 15
Seiten: 260–261
Nosworthy, J. M. The Publication of Marlowe’s Elegies and Davies’s Epigrams. Review of English Studies, vol. 4, no. 15, 1953, pp. 260–61.
Autor: Nosworthy, J. M.
Titel: Marlowe's Ovid and Davies's Epigrams--A Postscript
Zeitschrift: Review of English Studies
Jahr: 1964
Band: 15
Nummer: 60
Seiten: 397–398
Nosworthy, J. M. Marlowe’s Ovid and Davies’s Epigrams–A Postscript. Review of English Studies, vol. 15, no. 60, 1964, pp. 397–98.
Autor: Nuttall, Anthony David
Titel: Christopher Marlowe: Iron and Gold
Zeitschrift: Comparative Criticism
Jahr: 2002
Band: 24
Seiten: 37–51
Nuttall, Anthony David. Christopher Marlowe: Iron and Gold. Comparative Criticism, vol. 24, 2002, pp. 37–51.