Ribner.1963-Marlowe’s 'Tragicke Glass'
Ribner, Irving. Marlowe’s 'Tragicke Glass'. Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama in Honour of Hardin Craig, edited by Richard Hosley, Routledge, 1963, pp. 91–114.
Autor: Ribner, Irving
Titel: Marlowe's 'Tragicke Glass'
Werk: Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama in Honour of Hardin Craig
Herausgeber: Hosley, Richard
Jahr: 1963
Seiten: 91–114
Ort: London
Verlag: Routledge
ISBN: 0826200141
Ribner, Irving. Marlowe’s 'Tragicke Glass'. Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama in Honour of Hardin Craig, edited by Richard Hosley, Routledge, 1963, pp. 91–114.
Autor: Ricks, Christopher
Titel: Doctor Faustus and Hell on Earth
Zeitschrift: Essays in Criticism
Jahr: 1985
Band: 35
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 101–120
Ricks, Christopher. Doctor Faustus and Hell on Earth. Essays in Criticism, vol. 35, no. 2, 1985, pp. 101–20.
Autor: Robertson, Lynne
Titel: Marlowe and Luther
Zeitschrift: American Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1999
Band: 12
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 3–6
Robertson, Lynne. Marlowe and Luther. American Notes and Queries, vol. 12, no. 4, 1999, pp. 3–6.
Autor: Schuster, Erika; Oppel, Horst
Titel: Die Bankett-Szene in Marlowes Tamburlaine
Zeitschrift: Anglia
Jahr: 1959
Band: 77
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 310–345
Schuster, Erika, and Horst Oppel. Die Bankett-Szene in Marlowes Tamburlaine. Anglia, vol. 77, no. 3, 1959, pp. 310–45.
Autor: Scott, Margaret
Titel: Machiavelli and the Machiavel
Zeitschrift: Renaissance Drama
Jahr: 1984
Band: 15
Seiten: 147–174
Scott, Margaret. Machiavelli and the Machiavel. Renaissance Drama, vol. 15, 1984, pp. 147–74.
Autor: Smith, Deane Kingsley
Titel: The Cartographic Imagination in Early Modern England: Re-writing the World in Marlowe, Spenser, Raleigh and Marvell
Jahr: 2008
Ort: Aldershot
Verlag: Ashgate
ISBN: 978-0754656203
Link: https://marlowe.at/11
Smith, Deane Kingsley, 1935. The Cartographic Imagination in Early Modern England: Re-writing the World in Marlowe, Spenser, Raleigh and Marvell, Ashgate, 2008.
Autor: Starks, Lisa S.
Titel: Won with Thy Words and Conquered with Thy Looks: Sadism, Masochism, and the Masochistic Gaze in 1 Tamburlaine
Werk: Marlowe, History, and Sexuality
Herausgeber: White, Paul Whitfield
Jahr: 1998
Seiten: 179–194
Ort: New York
Verlag: AMS Press
Starks, Lisa S. "Won with Thy Words and Conquered with Thy Looks": Sadism, Masochism, and the Masochistic Gaze in 1 Tamburlaine. Marlowe, History, and Sexuality: New critical Essays on Christopher Marlowe, edited by Paul Whitfield White, AMS Press, 1998, pp. 179–94.
Autor: Streete, Adrian
Titel: Calvinist Conceptions of Hell in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 2000
Band: 47
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 430–432
Streete, Adrian. Calvinist Conceptions of Hell in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. Notes and Queries, vol. 47, no. 4, 2000, pp. 430–32.
Autor: Waith, Eugene M.
Titel: The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare and Dryden
Jahr: 1962
Ort: New York
Verlag: Columbia University Press
Waith, Eugene M., 702. The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare and Dryden, Columbia University Press, 1962.
Autor: Waith, Eugene M.
Titel: Edward II: The Shadow of Action
Zeitschrift: Tulane Drama Review
Jahr: 1964
Band: 8
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 59–76
Waith, Eugene M. Edward II: The Shadow of Action. Tulane Drama Review, vol. 8, no. 4, 1964, pp. 59–76.