Bartels.2013-Race, nation, and Marlowe
Bartels, Emily Carroll. Race, nation, and Marlowe. Christopher Marlowe in Context, edited by Emily Carroll Bartels and Emma Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 212–21.
Autor: Bartels, Emily Carroll
Titel: Race, nation, and Marlowe
Werk: Christopher Marlowe in Context
Herausgeber: Bartels, Emily Carroll; Smith, Emma
Jahr: 2013
Seiten: 212–221
Ort: Cambridge
Verlag: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781139060882
Bartels, Emily Carroll. Race, nation, and Marlowe. Christopher Marlowe in Context, edited by Emily Carroll Bartels and Emma Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 212–21.
Autor: Bawcutt, N. W.
Titel: Some Elizabethan Allusions to Machiavelli
Zeitschrift: English Miscellany
Jahr: 1969
Band: 20
Seiten: 53–74
Bawcutt, N. W. Some Elizabethan Allusions to Machiavelli. English Miscellany, vol. 20, 1969, pp. 53–74.
Autor: Bawcutt, N. W.
Titel: James Broughton's Edition of Marlowe's Plays
Zeitschrift: Notes and Queries
Jahr: 1971
Band: 18
Nummer: 12
Seiten: 449–452
Bawcutt, N. W. James Broughton’s Edition of Marlowe’s Plays. Notes and Queries, vol. 18, no. 12, 1971, pp. 449–52.
Autor: Bevington, David
Titel: From 'Mankind' to Marlowe: Growth of Structure in the Popular Drama of Tudor England
Jahr: 1962
Ort: Cambridge
Verlag: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 978-0674734333
Bevington, David, 145. From 'Mankind' to Marlowe: Growth of Structure in the Popular Drama of Tudor England, Harvard University Press, 1962.
Autor: Bevington, David
Titel: Marlowe's Plays in Perfomance: A Briefe History
Werk: Christopher Marlowe at 450
Herausgeber: Deats, Sara Munson; Logan, Robert Altman
Jahr: 2015
Seiten: 257–280
Ort: Farnham
Verlag: Ashgate
ISBN: 1472409434
Bevington, David. Marlowe’s Plays in Perfomance: A Briefe History. Christopher Marlowe at 450, edited by Sara Munson Deats and Robert Altman Logan, Ashgate, 2015, pp. 257–80.
Autor: Bianco, Marcie
Titel: The Spirit Of Marlowe: Creating An Ethics On The English Renaissance Stage
Jahr: 2012
Ort: New Brunswick
Universität: State University of New Jersey
Bianco, Marcie. The Spirit Of Marlowe: Creating An Ethics On The English Renaissance Stage. Dissertation, State University of New Jersey, 2012.
Autor: Biester, James
Titel: A Storm Brewing: Inspirations for The Tempest in Marlowe and Jonson
Zeitschrift: Marlowe Studies
Jahr: 2011
Band: 1
Seiten: 79–97
Biester, James. A Storm Brewing: Inspirations for The Tempest in Marlowe and Jonson. Marlowe Studies, vol. 1, 2011, pp. 79–97.
Autor: Biesterfeldt, Peter Wilhelm
Titel: Die Oberbühne bei Marlowe
Zeitschrift: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen
Jahr: 1931
Band: 160
Seiten: 51–60
Biesterfeldt, Peter Wilhelm. Die Oberbühne bei Marlowe. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, vol. 160, 1931, pp. 51–60.
Autor: Black, Mathew
Titel: Enter Citizens
Werk: Studies in the English Renaissance Drama in Memory of Karl Julius Holzknecht
Herausgeber: Bennett, Josephine Waters; Cargill, Oscar
Jahr: 1959
Seiten: 16–21
Ort: New York
Verlag: New York University Press
Black, Mathew. Enter Citizens. Studies in the English Renaissance Drama in Memory of Karl Julius Holzknecht, edited by Josephine Waters Bennett and Oscar Cargill, New York University Press, 1959, pp. 16–21.
Autor: Boas, Frederick Samuel
Titel: Christopher Marlowe: A Biographical and Critical Study
Jahr: 1940
Ort: Oxford
Verlag: Clarendon Press
Boas, Frederick Samuel, 254. Christopher Marlowe: A Biographical and Critical Study, Clarendon Press, 1940.