Findlay.2013-Marlowe and women
Findlay, Alison. Marlowe and women. Christopher Marlowe in Context, edited by Emily Carroll Bartels and Emma Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 242–51.
Autor: Findlay, Alison
Titel: Marlowe and women
Werk: Christopher Marlowe in Context
Herausgeber: Bartels, Emily Carroll; Smith, Emma
Jahr: 2013
Seiten: 242–251
Ort: Cambridge
Verlag: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781139060882
Findlay, Alison. Marlowe and women. Christopher Marlowe in Context, edited by Emily Carroll Bartels and Emma Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 242–51.
Autor: Fraser, Russell
Titel: On Christopher Marlowe
Zeitschrift: Michigan Quarterly Review
Jahr: 1973
Band: 12
Seiten: 136–159
Fraser, Russell. On Christopher Marlowe. Michigan Quarterly Review, vol. 12, 1973, pp. 136–59.
Autor: Friedenreich, Kenneth
Titel: Marlowe's Endings
Werk: A Poet and a Filthy Playmaker
Herausgeber: Friedenreich, Kenneth; Gill, Roma; Kuriyama, Constance Brown
Reihe: AMS Studies in the Renaissance
Jahr: 1988
Seiten: 361–368
Ort: New York
Verlag: AMS Press
ISBN: 0404622844
Friedenreich, Kenneth. Marlowe’s Endings. A Poet and a Filthy Playmaker: New Essays on Christopher Marlowe, edited by Kenneth Friedenreich et al., AMS Press, 1988, pp. 361–68. AMS Studies in the Renaissance 14.
Autor: Garabet, Marilyn
Titel: Marlowe admired
Jahr: 1984
Ort: London
Verlag: Hale
ISBN: 9780709017080
Garabet, Marilyn, 2171. Marlowe admired, Hale, 1984.
Autor: Garber, Marjorie
Titel: Here's Nothing Writ: Scribe, Script, and Circumscription in Marlowe's Plays
Zeitschrift: Theatre Journal
Jahr: 1984
Band: 36
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 301–320
Garber, Marjorie. "Here’s Nothing Writ": Scribe, Script, and Circumscription in Marlowe’s Plays. Theatre Journal, vol. 36, no. 3, 1984, pp. 301–20.
Autor: Gill, Roma
Titel: Snakes Leape by Verse
Werk: Christopher Marlowe
Herausgeber: Morris, Brian
Reihe: Mermaid Critical Commentaries
Jahr: 1968
Seiten: 135–150
Ort: London
Verlag: Ernest Benn
ISBN: 978-0510330224
Gill, Roma. Snakes Leape by Verse. Christopher Marlowe, edited by Brian Morris, Ernest Benn, 1968, pp. 135–50. Mermaid Critical Commentaries.
Autor: Gill, Roma
Titel: Marlowe and the Art of Translation
Werk: A Poet and a Filthy Playmaker
Herausgeber: Friedenreich, Kenneth; Gill, Roma; Kuriyama, Constance Brown
Reihe: AMS Studies in the Renaissance
Jahr: 1988
Seiten: 327–341
Ort: New York
Verlag: AMS Press
ISBN: 0404622844
Gill, Roma. Marlowe and the Art of Translation. A Poet and a Filthy Playmaker: New Essays on Christopher Marlowe, edited by Kenneth Friedenreich et al., AMS Press, 1988, pp. 327–41. AMS Studies in the Renaissance 14.
Autor: Gill, Roma
Titel: Christopher Marlowe
Werk: Reference Guide to English Literature
Herausgeber: Kirkpatrick, Daniel Lane
Reihe: St. James Reference Guides
Jahr: 1991
Seiten: 926–928
Ort: Chicago
Verlag: St. James Press
ISBN: 1-55862-079-6
Gill, Roma. Christopher Marlowe. Reference Guide to English Literature, edited by Daniel Lane Kirkpatrick, 2nd Ed., St. James Press, 1991, pp. 926–28. St. James Reference Guides 2.
Autor: Greenfield, Matthew
Titel: Christopher Marlowe's Wound Knowledge
Zeitschrift: Publications of the Modern Language Association
Jahr: 2004
Band: 119
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 233–246
Greenfield, Matthew. Christopher Marlowe’s Wound Knowledge. Publications of the Modern Language Association, vol. 119, no. 2, 2004, pp. 233–46.
Autor: Hammill, Graham
Titel: The Mosaic Constitution: Political Theology and Imagination from Machiavelli to Milton
Jahr: 2012
Ort: Chicago
Verlag: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 9780226315423
Hammill, Graham. The Mosaic Constitution: Political Theology and Imagination from Machiavelli to Milton, University of Chicago Press, 2012.